
A mansion that sits on the border between worlds. A beautiful dragon kidnapped by a ferocious princess. A shack in the swamp with a fearful secret. Magical thieves pulling the perfect heist. A muscle wizard looking for a challenge... and love. An evening of trick-or-treating turned legendary quest. Mormon lawmen hunting metaphorical demons in the Old West. Elemental benders caught in a storm without end. Drunken Bear Fighters.
Dungeon World; D&D 4e and 5e; Dogs in the Vineyard; Anima Prime; Drunken Bear Fighters.
Dramatis Personae
- Igfig (Dogs in the Vineyard, Cabin in the Swamp, Avatar Prime)
- Delf (Dragons and Elves, The King's Sleep, The Chest of Desiring, Spoopyventure)
- Waffle (Fetch Quest)
- YinYunYang (The Mystery of Morsten Manor)
- Ben (Drunken Bear Fighters)
Avatar Prime (Anima Prime)
- Delf
- Yogan, lavabender
- Erik
- Akillutak, waterbender
- Vinyl
- Ammagaruqnik, spirit-bound
- Waffle
- Hui Shou, metalbender
The Mystery of Morsten Manor (Dungeon World)
- Ben
- Carmine, human cleric
- Erik
- Quorra, human bard
- Igfig
- Bartleby, halfling fighter
- Waffle
- Harry, human rogue
Drunken Bear Fighters
- Igfig
- Vasily Vladislavov
- Waffle
- Huu Man
- YinYunYang
- Bleki
Dogs in the Vineyard
- Ben
- Ben Harrison
- Delf
- "Paul"
- Erik
- Jacob Quinn
- Waffle
- Alphonse
- YinYunYang
- Mordecai Krieg
Dragons and Elves (4e)
- Ben
- Corgnelius, corgi sorcerer
- Erik
- Willem Wildheart, half-elf druid
- Igfig
- Raven Moonshadow, drow executioner
- Waffle
- DegDeg, dwarf cavalier
- YinYunYang
- Frank, pixie berserker
Cabin in the Swamp (4e)
- Waffle
- DegDeg, dwarf cavalier
- YinYunYang
- Frank, pixie berserker
The King's Sleep (Dark Sun 4e)
- Ben
- Benjamzee, gnome skald
- Erik
- Krom Halftusk, half-orc monk
- Igfig
- Log, vryloka cavalier | blackguard
- Waffle
- Aiko, changeling assassin
- YinYunYang
- Vondal Renstone, dwarf druid
The Chest of Desiring (5e)
Spoopyventure (5e)
- Ben/Igfig
- "a spooky ghost", halfling warlock/monk
- Erik
- Jimmy Bob Joel, half-elf everything
- Waffle
- Periwinkle, warforged fighter
- YinYunYang
- Bucky Bloom, dragonborn warlock
Fetch Quest (5e)
- Ben
- Wolf, drow sorcerer
- Delf
- Thobrek, dwarf fighter
- Erik
- Sera Phim, tiefling ranger
- Igfig
- Brother Maxwell, human muscle cleric
- YinYunYang
- Espoir, human paladin