
When the Nentir Vale's first power metal band is abducted by aliens, they are set forth on a spelljamming rock n' roll space odyssey to save the planet Ur Graxa from the massive, despotic, and totally lame Imperial Elven Navy.
D&D 4e, Spelljammer setting.
Dramatis Personae
- Igfig
- Slim_Bankshot
- Mouser (briefly)
- Frozenpie (briefly)
- Alouicious
- Sark, half-orc scout (Drums)
- ASanguineRomance
- Aryanni Sanguine, eladrin swordmage
- Captain Bravo
- Jeremy "Fingers" Fingelsky, human bard (lead guitar)
- Delf
- Dreyrugr Nott, dragonborn rogue (backup vocals)
- Black Dynamite, human monk
- Holdr Vaettfang, shield dwarf barbarian
- Evilspud
- Milo Magnus, human rogue (lyre)
- Frozenpie
- Heronius Napalm XVI, human wizard (producer)
- Barvo, human barbarian
- Merric Tolth, halfling rogue
- Kaori
- Poen, dwarf warpriest
- Madeupfred
- Dartel, eladrin hunter
- Moose
- Brigsby Shireton, halfling sorcerer (lead vocals)
- Torin Drotho, human weaponmaster (roadie)
- Adam, changeling assassin
- Monoxx
- Chesty Boozersonn, dragonborn cavalier (promoter)
- SparkyMarky
- Lucas Strongbow, human hunter (rhythm guitar)
- Lakanu, shardmind avenger
- Vyrwulf
- Far-Walker, thri-kreen seeker (bass)
- Waffle
- Wilco Belgis, human cavalier (keyboard)
- Ace Justice, mul slayer
- Cynthia, deva sentinel